What is Data Recovery?

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Our team at First Call Computer Service has been working in the IT industry for over 33 years, and we have observed the advances in computer technology in real time. As computers have become more and more sophisticated, people started to use them to store more and more of their information, including everything from work documents to precious family photos. We understand how important your digital files are to you, and we know how devastating it can be to suddenly lose that data, so our team offers expert data recovery services to help you get that information back. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of what data recovery is and how it works.

What is Data Recovery?

• Data Recovery Basics. To put it simply, data recovery is the art of getting lost data back. There are many ways to lose data, such as by user error, program failure, and even through physical damage to your hard drive. In many cases, this data is not lost forever, but can still be accessed if you know where to look and how to get in. Our team has the right skills and tools to find that lost data and recover as much as possible.

• Logical vs. Physical Data Recovery. There are two basic types of data recovery. The first, logical recovery, involves finding files that were deleted due to user error or software issues. In these cases, the hard drive is still fully functional, but the files have become difficult to access. The second type of data recovery is physical recovery, and it deals with damaged hard drives. In order to access your data, our team will repair your hard drive to allow other parts of the computer to interface with it once more, so you can get your files back.